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1 X 5ltr Aquazzee Disinfectant Plus 1 x 1 Litre Trigger Spay


Aquazzee is a highly effective biocide formulated by Hypochlorous Acid. It delivers a very rapid kill of 99.9999% of known micro-organisms but is harmless to humans.

Aquazzee uses the same powerful, proven anti-microbial as the human immune system to fight infection. Aquazzee is one of the most effective biocides known.


Aquazzee has the power to prevent and control infections wherever risk occurs; in hospitals, in care homes and in the domestic environment.


Unlike other HOCl products on the market, our biocides have been tested in independent UK laboratories and leading universities, and comply with the rigorous EU Biocide Regulations. Tested to EN Standards BSEN 1276, BSEN 13704, BSEN 14204, BSEN 13697, BSEN 14476 and BSEN 16954.

Eezzee Aquazzee Multi-Purpose Starter Pack

  • Fast, effective and safe infection control.

    • Kills 99.9999% of germs, viruses and spores including influenzas, e-coli, c-difficile, MRSA and norovirus.
    • Fast ~ just spray and wipe
    • Biodegradable
    • Deodorises100% Natural DisinfectantRated as non-Hazardous by EU, even as an aerosol
    • Replaces existing harmful chemical-based cleaners
    • Safe on skin contact, use on all surfaces, floors and seating
    • Environmentally friendly and comes ready to use

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